Let Us Help You Plan

Your Financial Route

If you have acheived $500,000 or more of investible assets, our

strategies and tax planning will be of value to you

Total Financial


When every day counts to your journey of Total Financial Independence, don't let another day slip by

If you have acheived $500,000 or more of investible assets, our strategies and tax planning will be of value to you

What Do You Want With Your Future

Do you want to become a financial expert in tax, investment, trusts and asset protection or hire a team of experts

Do you want to become a financial expert in tax, investment, trusts and asset protection or hire a team of experts

When It's Only You - You Only Know What You Know

The Do-Yourself era is over. Tax, Investment, Trusts and Insurance are all too complex today. The smart wealth has teams of experts that communicate on one platform

If you have acheived $500,000 or more of investible assets, our strategies and tax planning will be of value to you

It Takes A Connected Team

When was the last time your financial advisor, CPA, lawyer, and insurance agent all met around one table, at one time - to develop one plan for your financial future. Finally - a place where this happens

If you have acheived $500,000 or more of investible assets, our strategies and tax planning will be of value to you

Asset Protection

Tax Planning

Trust and Estate Plan

Retirement Planning

Tax Preparation

Payroll and Accounting

Business Valuation

Investment Services

Our System Is Fragmented.

When was the last time your

financial advisor, lawyer, insurance

agent, and CPA all got around one

table - at one time, to develop one

plan for the betterment of your

financial future?

95% of people we have asked say this has never happened.

Our System Is Fragmented

When was the last time your

financial advisor, lawyer, insurance

agent, and CPA all got around one

table - at one time, to develop one

plan for the betterment of your

financial future?

95% of people we have asked say this has never happened.

Which is Better - AI or a Human

Which is better - Letting AI and Computers Figure Out Your Future (Robo-Investors) - or a Human Advisor?

Watch this short video to see why choosing one or the other may be a mistake.

Personal Scores

Grade Your Financial Advisor

Have you ever done a comparison of your financial advisor, how they do things, how they charge and the potential value they add to your future?

Now, take a short assessment and grade them on a scale of A to F!

(Coming Soon) Can you Trust your Trust? Take the quiz today!

(Coming Soon) What is your Asset Protection score?

(Coming Soon) What is your Retirement Income Risk score?

(Coming Soon) What is your Personal Investment Risk score?

(Coming Soon) What is your Financial Intelligence score?

(Coming Soon)

Business Scores

Find out what your business scores are! Click here to start your scoring.

(Coming Soon) Business Asset Protection Risk Score

(Coming Soon) Business Exit Strategy Score

(Coming Soon ) Business Profit and Growth Score

(Coming Soon) Business Tax Risk Score

H&H Financial Center

Making your money work for you.

Our Services

Use this line to say something about what you do. Add useful information that your visitors may find interesting.

Trusted Pharmacy Care

Emergency Call Care Service

Emergency Ambulance Care

Campus Check-up Process

Cancer Drives and Camps

Blood Donation and Tests